The Internet has opened a new world, with its own language that conquers its followers. One of those infallible instruments of communication are memes. These images, funny, sarcastic and topical today invade each of the forums of the network, becoming absolute protagonists.
That is why advertising and marketing have not been able to avoid putting their eyes on them. It is a very appealing material. Well, it has many virtues to connect with the audience in a unique and direct way. Today, we study the latest movements of the meme marketing phenomenon.
What is a meme?
We have all seen memes. In fact, it is practically impossible to surf the web without running into them. The concept of meme refers to an idea transmitted through an image, photo or video that can be accompanied by a text. If we relate it to the world of semiotics, it could be considered a perfect, round instant. A piece that condenses all the meaning of an idea, all its emotional and intellectual charge. And it goes further too. For many funny memes require a contextualization to capture their meaning 100%.
Meme marketing, the perfect ally?
We already know that there are many commercial incentives for consumers who are in danger of becoming saturated. The marketing world needs to resort to new tools, fresh and dynamic, that allow it to connect efficiently. That is why the memes are a not insignificant tool.
In the first place, we must emphasize that the meme refer, on many occasions, to characters, situations or moments of raging news. By using them, we link our message with that modernity and that present time that is so often sought after. In addition, its content usually includes a joke, an ironic reflection or a twist to a first impression. So, the message is impregnated by intellectual qualities that, of course, also affect the image of the brand.
The funny memes are part of the everyday language of one of the targets most desired by brands. The millennial public lives and communicates on the Internet. And to move between its sites, it has memes as one of the instruments with which it best defines and reacts to many situations. Thus, the brand that dares with the marketing meme becomes an “ally” of these young people. He speaks in his own language and, therefore, understands and shares his way of being and living.
Virality and universality
Is virality the new “good, nice and cheap”? Getting our message shared and consumed en masse is an ideal that every company would like to aspire to. Memes are tools that fit perfectly with this goal. They are easy to consume, then, with a simple glance, the interlocutor understands his message. In fact, this feature is one that helps make it a tremendously used tool on the Internet. But, in addition, it is the users themselves who are in charge of spreading the idea and the message, thanks to the fact that they are striking and direct.
Some memes such as funny dog memesare so popular and their follow-up has been maintained for so long that they have already become part of our collective imagination. They are iconic instruments that do not go out of style. Referents very clear that the viewer quickly identifies. Because, in addition, they are global. The universalization of the Internet is due to the use of instruments such as memes. No matter the country, place or region, the meme reaches all audiences. Something that tells us how it is able to multiply its effectiveness.
Errors to avoid
As with any strategy that is carried out, always have to take into account a number of premises that may harm the purpose of the campaign. The marketing meme can be very effective, but you have to be careful.
Does humor take away value? Some experts believe that an advertising message can lose strength if the brand itself is using irony and laughter to convey an idea. It is important to identify the clear objective of the campaign. And to know if an instrument such as the meme fits what is sought or can hinder the main idea. Cohesion, coherence and adequacy, rules that can never be overlooked.
And, of course, never forget something that we have already commented on memes. They refer to the present. Some memes are universal and their use extends over time. But others, due to the very nature of the message, go out of style in just a few days. Some like funny dog memes are very popular.If the brand wants to connect with that young and dynamic audience, it must know which memes work at that precise moment, under penalty of having the opposite effect. In addition, they need to know what the real meaning of the image is. Because, as we have said, the meaning of the meme may have evolved over time, relate to a very specific background and not refer to the objective of the brand.